AAAS Community Engagement Week
Community Guidelines

Workshop Outline
Inclusive Community
Focusing on barriers and techniques for integrating diverse populations, developing community guidelines and goals.
Part 1 - Team Dynamics Exercise - 10 minutes
Part 2 - Conduct Codes + Norms - 30 minutes
Part 3 - Guidelines + Goals - 15 minutes
Part 4 - Discussion + Share-out - 5 min
Guides for each exercise of this handbook according to the above outline.
Getting Help
Here we'll hopefully answer questions you might have.
Can I reuse these resources?
Yes, most definitely. You can fork this repository and website here. All materials are under a Mozilla Public License and you are authorized to reuse as you see fit.
Who should I contact for further queries?
- Aurelia Moser -
Here we'll list some persistent resources that you might use throughout the workshop.
Resource repository
Workshop website
Participation survey